You know what a fat burn belt is? Is it useful or is it harmful to health?

وان وورد 2/16/2021 04:45:00 م 2/16/2021 04:45:18 م
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نبذة عن المقال: You know what a fat burn belt is? Is it useful or is it harmful to health?
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 You know what a fat burn belt is? Is it useful or is it harmful to health?

You know what a fat burn belt is? Is it useful or is it harmful to health?

Fat burn belt reality:

In recent years, there have been many reports of a shirt burning belly fat through increased sweating.

To point out, sweating is not evidence of the yield of fat or calories burned during sports.

I'm gonna repeat it and I'm gonna keep repeating it. There's no need to buy a shirt, a belt, a jumpsuit, any kind of clothes to sweat, wrap your body with plastic during sports, or too much sauna, it's a bad idea, too dangerous.

With these things you'll just lose water and not burn fat.

And worse, it'll keep the sweat from evaporating.

Your body will continue to sweat "ineffective."

In this case, the temperature of your body will increase, the risk of dehydration will increase and the normal breathing of the skin will be prevented.

Because fat doesn't burn or get out of the body by sweating.

As we said, sweating is not evidence of fat burning. It is water released by the racial gland to cool the body because its temperature has risen.

And, by the way, the fat burns into the body and exits through the exhale (CO2).

This means that the belief that wearing a lot of clothes or a strap or putting plastic on the area to be deflected during exercise makes them lose fat, which comes out as a race, is a wrong idea.

For the third time, scientifically, fat doesn't come out as sweat as most people do, it breaks down in the blood and the body uses it as energy.

Physically, energy turns into another form of energy.

Here's the same thing, fat is energy, and the body uses it as fuel during exercise and any other work).

Sometimes a person using a laxative belt notices a drop in his abdominal surroundings, but what he's actually lost is water stored under the skin, no more and no less.

Summary: Fat - burning drinks (lemon with water, green tea... Just a myth.

As well as fat - burning belts, it's just publicity and corporate profit.

The best solution to fat burning is diet (away from white sugar, white flour and fast food, foods with unhealthy fat).

reducing salt and drinking water all day... + Exercise, cardio exercise (meaning cardio exercise or aerobic exercise) like running, walking, swimming, tipping, getting up the ladder, biking... Without forgetting resistance exercises, too.

In the end, we thank you for your good follow-up

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